New PTCs Sites


HyBux, is a PTC in Beta version, so if you registrer now, you get the Pioneer Membership, them you earn $0.012 per each advertisment that you see and $0.006 per each advertisment that you refferal see.

As Standard, you earn $0.01 per click and $0.005 per referral click.


Per Click: $0.012
Per Referral Click: $0.006
Advertisments: 4 (11 in Beta Version)
Mínimum Payout: $3
Payment Processor: Paypal/Alertpay
Delay Of Payment: Instant

Membership Benefits:

NOTE: In order to keep the Pioneer Membership, once the PTC is launched, you must view 1 advertisment each day at least. Once the PTC is launched the balance will reduce to zero.

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